Do you want to be heard and communicated to throughout the process?


As architects we provide a range of services including architectural design, interior design and master planning. 

Your ideas and expectations are listened to and we will work with you to develop your brief and guide you through each stage of the design process. We will ensure that the project responds efficiently to the budget, site constraints and context.

There are many different ways that architects are involved in projects. They can be involved during whole life of the project or only during specific periods.

We will work with you to determine the best approach for your project.


1 Pre Design

 We will guide you through a series of exercises that will focus on the experiences you enjoy and establish a brief to create spaces that will be the ideal habitat for you. Together we explore the individuals within your space, what you enjoy, the experiences you have and how you would like to live.




2 Sketch Design

We work up the preferred concept in collaboration. Preliminary costings are prepared based on floor area. Your scheme is developed to allow for initial discussions with authorities if required. We develop the chosen concept to a stage where consultants can be briefed. The client commissions consultants. Builder method and contractor selection is initiated. 


3 Design Development

The design is developed in preparation for development approval (DA) and consultant coordination. Each part of the design is worked up and analysed with the team (you as the client, interior designer, landscape designer) to become more fully resolved. We coordinate preliminary input from the consultant team. An opinion of probable cost can be sought from a builder at this point depending on the circumstances of our clients. The project is prepared to be lodged for Development Approval with the Council if required. We communicate with renderings and drawings to explain the decisions along the way.

4 Construction Documentation

The project documentation is developed to a technical level to allow the project to be tendered to builders. The consultants’ drawings are finalised and coordinated. Final decisions are made regarding the procurement method (form of contract with builder). Builders are selected to tender, tender sets are prepared and sent.

5 Tender

Builders are interviewed and selected to price the project. We help you to find the perfect builder for your budget and liaise with all parties with the goal to sign a building contract. A contract is signed at the end of the process with a builder to complete the works.

6 During Construction

We love the building phase and the care taken to unfold the design. We like to participate actively on site in reviewing and advising during this phase. We attend site and communicate the design to the builder and ensure it is being built to the standards expected by you as the client.